Columns and Arches Wall Mural by The Art Of Life painted at Bradley Hospital in East Providence, RI

Columns and Arches Wall Mural, 19′ x 5′, 2010
Cafeteria of Bradley Hospital, East Providence, RI
by Charles C. Clear III and Bonnie Lee Turner

Columns and Arches have a timeless beauty! The Romans were the first to fully appreciate and utilize this architectural device, making them a fundamental part of a multitude of structures – such as bridges, aqueducts, and coliseums. Now they can be found in churches, mosques – even the Great Wall of China!

Someone once wrote “Arches are structures with deep resonance. They embody and symbolize many things: strength and support, lightness and openness within density, thresholds into limitless space.”

We painted our Columns and Arches Wall Mural in a room that is adjacent to the children’s main dining area at Bradley Hospital in East Providence, Rhode Island. This room is set aside for children with significant challenges who require special assistance.

The design for this mural was carefully composed to brighten and enlarge an otherwise small nondescript room. We wanted to provide a tranquil respite for the children and staff, and provide enough visual stimuli to hold the attention without overpowering the viewer.

The mural features four columns and three arches with a scenic view of the Narragansett Town Beach. In the mural it’s a beautiful summer day! Soft clouds dance across a pastel blue sky while the surf laps gently against the shore. Wild pink sea roses peek up from below two of the windows, adding a burst of red and green. In the distance, the castle-like stone Towers of Narragansett glow warmly in the afternoon sun.

This is just one of many murals that we painted over the years at Bradley Hospital. We painted an East Bay Bike Path Mural in the staff cafeteria, as well as a large mural of Beavertail State Park in an outpatient treatment room, a porthole mural, plus several others.

Would you like a mural of your favorite scene painted in your Hospital or Health care facility? Contact us today!

The Art Of Life

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